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Confidentiality of personal information policy

Our policy explains what personal information we collect and why we collect it. We know that you rely on our transparency, and we make sure that the confidentiality of your personal information is protected.

This policy concerns you if...

  • You browse  the JuridiQC website
  • You are creating a JuridiQC account
  • You are using our tools to prepare documents for legal proceedings 
  • You communicate with us by telephone, on social media, through surveys, or by any other means.

We collect personal information in the following situations

We collect the personal information necessary to create your JuridiQC account: your email address and your password.

We collect the information that you enter in the online questionnaire for our Joint Divorce Help Tool, for example:

  • Your name and address,
  • Your date and place of birth,
  • Your annual income,
  • Information on your property and your home.

We sometimes ask you questions to direct you towards information that may be relevant to your situation. For example, if you want to know how much your separation proceedings will cost you, we may ask you if you are married or in a de facto partnership.

If you are logged in to your account, your answers will be associated with your username. If not, your answers will not make it possible to identify you and therefore they will not be treated as personal information.

We collect the keywords you search, as well as the pages you view and the time you spend on them. We also collect any other information related to your use of the site.

We also collect technical information, for example:

  • Your IP address,
  • Your region,
  • Your web browser and the language used,
  • Your operating system,
  • The site from which you accessed JuridiQC.

We use cookies to collect this technical information.

Last, we collect your answers when you complete a survey on our site.

Did you know?

A cookie is a small text file that our server places on your computer when you visit our site to make browsing easier.

We are the only ones that can read it. It does not give us access to your hard drive.

There are two kinds of cookies:

  • Session cookies are used only during your online session and are deleted as soon as you close your browser. They make browsing faster by saving your answers to the questions we ask so that we can provide you with information tailored to your situation. That means you do not have to answer the same questions several times during the same session.
  • Persistent cookies are stored on your computer for up to a year. Their sole purpose is to save your choices when you accept the terms of use so that you do not have to accept them every time you visit.

You can delete cookies from your computer by erasing your browsing data from your browser. You can also refuse them by adjusting your browser settings. However, if you refuse the cookies, you will not be able to access some of the site’s information pages or tools to help you prepare for your legal steps.

Helpline support is provided directly by the Centre de communications avec la clientèle of the Ministère de la Justice.

We won’t have access to your contact information unless we need to intervene to solve a technical problem.

Why we collect your personal information

We use the information collected solely for the purposes described below. We do not use it for other purposes without your authorization, and we never use it in targeted advertising.

When you answer questions, we use your answers to direct you towards information that is tailored to your situation.

In some cases, we also use your answers to recommend other relevant content.

We use the information that you enter in our online questionnaires solely to support you as you prepare to take legal steps. 

The information is used to complete the documents needed for your proceeding and to provide additional information (for example, the courthouse where you should file your documents).

The information we gather from your use of the site and your answers to our surveys help us understand your interests and needs. This allows us to develop and improve our services.

For example, with your consent, we can send you electronic messages, such as emails, to ask for your opinion. We can also determine the next topics to present by identifying the most-searched topics and the most-viewed content.

We use this information to assess how the site is used and to ensure that it is working properly. It helps us manage the site and correct problems so that we can offer you an efficient and pleasant browsing experience.

We use web analysis tools such as Google Analytics and Tag Manager to analyze how the site is used. Google collects some technical information to produce statistics and reports.

This information is anonymized, which means that it cannot be used to identify you. Google may store this information in the United States or elsewhere, and it may communicate it to third parties to perform the analysis or if required by law. If you wish, you can prevent Google from analyzing this information by installing a module on your browser.

We may use the information collected to protect the security of this information and the site or to comply with a legal obligation, if necessary.

Who has access to your personal information

First, we never sell your personal information to anyone.

Here are the people who may have access to your personal information and in what situations that can happen.

Only our employees who need to know your personal information for the purpose of their work have access to it.

Their access is limited to what is necessary to accomplish their tasks.

We may give some service providers access to your personal information when necessary.

The provider of the software that we use to recommend relevant content to you is one example.

Our providers have access only to the information they need to provide the services requested. They do not have the right to use your personal information for other purposes or to share it with anyone else.

In addition, our providers promise to use security and privacy mechanisms as rigorous as our own.

In some circumstances, the law may allow us or require us to communicate your personal information to others. This could happen if a court orders it during a legal proceeding.

How we store your personal information

Your personal information stays in Quebec. It is protected by Quebec laws, and we must comply with those laws.

We use rigorous security mechanisms to protect your personal information against theft or unauthorized access.

For example, we use encryption technology to encode sensitive information, as well as firewalls and intrusion detection software.

We use your information solely for the purposes described in this policy. We keep your information only for the time necessary to accomplish these purposes.

Once the information is used as planned, it is destroyed, deleted, or anonymized, unless the law requires us to keep it.

You cannot be identified by anonymized information

Once it is no longer necessary, your personal information will be destroyed or anonymized (so that you are no longer identifiable) safely, in accordance with applicable laws. We may then keep the information (for example, to analyze the use of the site). 

Your rights

You can delete cookies from your computer by erasing your browsing data from your browser.

You can also refuse them by adjusting your browser settings. However, if you refuse the cookies, you will not be able to access some of the site’s information pages or tools to help you prepare for your legal steps.

You can view the information that we have about you and obtain a copy of it. 

If you see any errors, you can ask us to correct them.

To make a request, contact us by email or regular mail at the address at the bottom of this page.

At all times, you may withdraw your consent to receiving communications or to your personal information being used.

However, if you withdraw your consent, you will be unable to access certain information zones on the website and the tools to prepare your documents.

To request a consent withdrawal, contact us by email or regular mail at the addressat the bottom of this page

In conclusion

From time to time, we may modify this privacy policy for the following reasons:

  • To comply with the law and regulations
  • To adapt to new technology
  • To address users’ concerns

If we modify this policy, we will ask you to accept it again.

If you refuse the modification, you will no longer have access to some of the site’s information pages or tools to help you prepare for your legal steps.

If you have a question, comment, or complaint about how we deal with your personal information, please contact us. 

The process for complaints about the protection of personal information is described in the governance rules on personal information (SOQUIJ), which are published on the access to information page (SOQUIJ).

You can reach us by email:

Or by mail:


Direction des affaires juridiques
1010, De La Gauchetière Street West, suite 1000
Montreal, Quebec H3B 2N2