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Seniors experiencing a loss of autonomy

How to detect neurocognitive disorders and help someone close to you with their assessment and diagnosis

If someone close to you is acting strangely and you think they should be tested for neurocognitive disorders, here are a few tips to help you recognize the warning signs and get a diagnosis.

How to recognize the warning signs?

Neurocognitive disorders can develop slowly and be hard to detect in the early stages. Here are the most common warning signs that can help you detect the early symptoms of these disorders. Keep an eye out to see if the person is:

  1. forgetting recent events
  2. having trouble performing familiar tasks
  3. having difficulty speaking, forgetting words, or choosing the wrong words
  4. getting lost in familiar places
  5. becoming confused and having trouble reasoning
  6. having problems with abstract thinking
  7. misplacing things or putting them in unusual places
  8. experiencing mood swings
  9. showing changes in personality
  10. losing interest in their favourite activities

If the person displays any of these signs and you notice that they’re becoming more frequent, speak with a doctor right away. He or she may conduct a full assessment of the person's health and, if necessary, recommend a screening test for neurocognitive disorders.

En apprendre plus

The 10 warning signs of dementia (Alzheimer Society of Canada)

En apprendre plus

Questionnaire to be filled out to prepare for your doctor’s visit (Alzheimer Society of Canada)


The information presented on this page is not a legal opinion or legal advice. This page explains in a general way the law that applies in Quebec. To obtain a legal opinion or legal advice on your personal situation, consult a legal professional.