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Seniors experiencing a loss of autonomy

Resource Directory - Seniors experiencing a loss of autonomy

Legal resources

Free or low-cost resources

Some organizations allow you to speak with a professional at little or no cost to help you understand your rights and start the legal process.

These services are available at legal clinics throughout Québec:

Some universities and community organizations also offer this type of service. Check with the ones in your area.


A bailiff can deliver legal documents and seize property or money.

En apprendre plus

Find a bailiff (website in French only - Chambre des huissiers de justice du Québec)

Commissioners for oaths

A commissioner for oaths allows you to sign a document under oath.

You can also find a commissioner for oaths by using the courthouse (website in French only), a Services Québec office, or a Community Justice Center.

You can also find a commissioner for oaths by using the search engine provided by the Ministère de la Justice du Québec.

Find a decision

The Société québécoise d'information juridique (SOQUIJ) has a search engine where you can find reasoned decisions rendered by courts, tribunals and certain bodies. Reasoned decisions are judgments where the decision-maker explains the reasons for rendering the decision in writing.

This service is free of charge.

En apprendre plus

Find a decision (French only - SOQUIJ)


A lawyer can help you understand your rights, represent you in court, and draft legal proceedings

En apprendre plus

Find a lawyer (Barreau du Québec)

A lawyer can represent you free of charge or for a maximum fee of $800 if you qualify for legal aid (page in French only).

If you’re not eligible for legal aid but your financial situation is still precarious, you can access low-cost legal services though Avocat Juripop, a law firm founded by Juripop.

En apprendre plus

I need a lawyer (Juripop)


Mediation is for people who would like to resolve a conflict without going to court. It provides a neutral and confidential space for discussion, where a mediator can offer guidance and facilitate dialogue.

Several organizations offer free mediation services. The following websites can help you find one in your area: Équijustice and Association des organismes de justice alternative du Québec (website in French only).

Many courts also offer free mediation or conciliation services when you file a judicial application.

You can also find a private mediator using the website for the Institut de médiation et d’arbitrage du Québec (website in French only) or a mediator specialized in protective supervision on the website for the Association des médiateurs familiaux du Québec.


A notary can help you understand your rights, draft amicable agreements, formalize the sale of a house, and prepare wills, among other things.

En apprendre plus

Find a notary (Chambre des notaires du Québec)

Psychosocial support

If you fear for your safety or the safety of a loved one:

Caregiver Support Helpline

1-855-852-7784 (free) - every day from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

The Caregiver Support Helpline is a service that provides listening, information, and professional referrals. It’s for caregivers, their families, and their friends, as well as healthcare workers and professionals.

This service is confidential and bilingual.

Info-Social 811

8-1-1 (free) - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Contact Info-Social 811 for advice from a psychosocial professional. If needed, he or she will direct you to another resource in the health and social services network or to a community organization.


Helpline: 1-888-505-1010 (free) - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Legal clinic: 1-888-970-2720 (free) - Tuesdays from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Interligne offers support and legal advice to people who are concerned with sexual diversity and gender plurality (LGBTQ+) and to their friends and family. The service also offers programs such as a telephone pairing or intergenerational correspondence to break the isolation experienced by people aged 60 and over.

This service is confidential and bilingual.

En apprendre plus

For seniors (Interligne)

Proche aidance Québec

The members of the Proche aidance Québec network offer advice, respite, and psychosocial support services to caregivers. Contact an organization in your area for help from qualified professionals.

En apprendre plus

Find an organization near you (Website in French only - Proche aidance Québec)


A psychoeducator can help you if you’re having difficulty adjusting to a family, personal, marital, or professional life event, no matter how old you are.

Psychoeducators work:

  • in schools
  • in the health and social services network (youth centres, CLSCs, ID-ASD rehabilitation centres, hospitals)
  • in community organizations
  • as self-employed workers

En apprendre plus

Find a psychoeducator (website in French only - Ordre des psychoéducateurs et psychoéducatrices du Québec)

Psychologists and psychotherapists

A psychologist or a psychotherapist can help you better understand your emotions and provide you with tools to resolve your personal, family, or marital problems.

En apprendre plus

Find a psychologist or psychotherapist (Website in French only - Ordre des psychologues du Québec)

En apprendre plus

Where to find free or low-cost psychological services (Website in French only - Ordre des psychologues du Québec)

Quebec suicide prevention line

1-866-277-3553 or by text at 535353 - (free) - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Are you having suicidal thoughts, or are you worried about a loved one? Call the Centre de prévention du suicide du Québec for professional support in your area.

This service is confidential and bilingual.

En apprendre plus

Find a suicide prevention centre near you (Website in French only - Regroupement des centres de prévention du suicide du Québec)

Social worker

A social worker can help you find concrete solutions to overcome your interpersonal, organizational, or functional challenges. He or she can also conduct a psychosocial assessment as part of a legal proceeding.

En apprendre plus

Find a social worker (website in French only - Ordre des travailleurs sociaux et des thérapeutes conjugaux et familiaux du Québec)

Support at home and respite care

Baluchon Alzheimer

1-855-762-2930 (free) - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Baluchon Alzheimer (website in French only) provides respite care and support for caregivers who want to live at home with a loved one with Alzheimer’s or a similar disease. It offers long-term home respite care (4 to 14 days).

Domestic help social economy businesses (EESAD)

You can receive a discount on the hourly rate for home services offered by a domestic help social economy business through the Financial Assistance Program for Domestic Help Services. These services include housekeeping, laundry, meal preparation, and accompaniment when you go shopping.

En apprendre plus

Find an EESAD (Régie de l’assurance maladie (RAMQ))

Federation of Quebec Alzheimer Societies

1-888-636-6473 (free) – Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

In Quebec, there are 20 Alzheimer societies that provide support and information to people living with the disease and their loved ones. They help people live better with the disease, from the moment of diagnosis.

Fondation Jeanne-Mance

1-888-436-1642 (free)

The Fondation Jeanne-Mance (website in French only) offers professional home support services for people who are reaching the end of their lives and their loved ones, focussing on their spiritual needs

Fondation Maison Gilles-Carle

The Fondation Maison Gilles-Carle (website in French only) offers support and respite for caregivers by providing comfortable temporary accommodation for their loved ones with the disease.

En apprendre plus

Find the Maison Gilles-Carles in your area (website in French only)

Little Brothers

1-866-627-8653 (free)

The mission of Little Brothers is to combat isolation of people aged 75 and older. The trained volunteers at this organization support and listen to isolated seniors.

This service is confidential and bilingual.

Meals-on-wheels organizations

Meals-on-wheels organizations offer low-cost meals to vulnerable people who have trouble eating well.

En apprendre plus

Find a meals-on-wheels organization (Website in French only - Regroupement des popotes roulantes)

Health, social services, accommodation

In an emergency:

Call 9-1-1 (or 310-4141 in municipalities without 911 service)

Centres intégrés de santé et de services sociaux (CISSS) and centres intégrés universitaires de santé et de services sociaux (CIUSSS)

Contact the integrated health and social services centre (CISSS) or the integrated university health and social services centre (CIUSSS) in your area for free and confidential access to a healthcare practitioner. He or she can evaluate your needs and direct you to the resource best suited to your situation.

En apprendre plus

Find your CISSS or CIUSSS (Gouvernement du Québec)

Local community service centres (CLSC)

Local community service centres (CLSC) provide:

  • Common health and social services
  • Preventive or medical services
  • Rehabilitation and reintegration services
  • Public health activities

They are also responsible for assigning spots in residential and long-term care centres (CHSLD) and in intermediate resources (RI).

En apprendre plus

Find a CLSC (Gouvernement du Québec)

Info-Santé 811

8-1-1 (free) - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

If you are experiencing a non-urgent health problem, contact Info-Santé 811 to speak to a nurse quickly. He or she will assess your health condition during your telephone consultation and refer you to the resources you need.

Registre des résidences privées pour aînés (RPA)

The Registre des résidences privées pour aînés (register of private seniors’ residences) was created to help you find a seniors’ residence certified by the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. Only private sector residences are registered here.

En apprendre plus

Find an RPA (Website in French only - Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux)

Complaint assistance and support centres (CAAP)

1-877-767-2227 (free)

Have you received health care or social services but are wondering about their quality or whether your rights were respected?

En apprendre plus

Make a complaint (Fédération des centres d’assistance et d’accompagnement aux plaintes (CAAP))

CAAP centres can also help you in cases of mistreatment (page in French only) or to solve a problem with a lease in a private seniors’ residence.

Health and Social Services Users’ Committee

Users’ Committees inform you of your rights and obligations as a user of health and social services institutions. They can also provide support and assistance with any steps you take, including if you want to make a complaint.

En apprendre plus

Find the committee in your area (Website in French only - Regroupement provincial des comités des usagers)

Service Quality and Complaints Commissioners

Local service quality and complaints commissioners are responsible for processing complaints from the users of public and private institutions on their territory.

En apprendre plus

Contact the commissioner in your area (Gouvernement du Québec)


1-800-463-5070 (free) – From Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The Ombudsman sees to it that your rights are upheld when you interact with Quebec public services.

En apprendre plus

File a complaint about health and social services (Québec Ombudsman)

En apprendre plus

File a complaint about health and social services (Québec Ombudsman)

This service is confidential and bilingual.

Administrative Housing Tribunal

1-800-683-2245 (free) – Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., and Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The Tribunal administratif du logement (Administrative Housing Tribunal) is a specialized tribunal that provides information and hears all applications relating to leases on rented property.

The Administrative Housing Tribunal can also inform you of your rights and obligations as well as settle disagreements between owners and tenants in private seniors’ residences.

En apprendre plus

Find the office closest to you (Tribunal administratif du logement)

Mistreatment and fraud

If you fear for your safety or the safety of a loved one:

Autorité des marchés financiers

1-877-525-0337 (free)

The Autorité des marchés financier (financial markets authority) can provide assistance if you want to file a complaint against a business or an individual or if you want to report a fraud or a suspicious situation.

This service is confidential and bilingual.

En apprendre plus

Make a complaint (Autorité des marchés financiers)

Crime Victims Assistance Centres (CAVAC)

CAVAC provides frontline services for crime victims, their loved ones, and crime witnesses.

CAVAC staff can provide information about your rights and recourses and about how the justice system works. They can help you with any steps you take. They can also provide psychosocial services and referrals to specialized resources.

To make an appointment at a CAVAC resource in your area: 1-866-532-2822 (free).

Centres d’aide et de lutte contre les agressions à caractère sexuel (CALACS)

CALACS are sexual assault support centres for women and teenage girls who have been sexually assaulted.

Some of the services offered:

  • Telephone support
  • Support groups
  • Meetings with counsellors
  • Support for steps with the police, in court, or at the hospital, for applications for compensation, or in interactions with employers or institutions.

En apprendre plus

Find a CALACS (Centres d'aide et de lutte contre les agressions à caractère sexuel (CALACS))

Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse

1-800-361-6477 (free) – Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The human rights commission ensures the promotion and respect of human rights and freedoms under the Quebec Charter of human rights and freedoms. It also oversees the application of the Act respecting equal access to employment in public bodies.

En apprendre plus

File a complaint of discrimination or harassment (Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse)

En apprendre plus

Report exploitation or file a complaint of exploitation (Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse)

Elder Mistreatment Helpline

1-888-489-2287 (free) – every day from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Have you experienced or witnessed mistreatment?

The workers at the Elder Mistreatment Helplin are there to listen, advise, and refer you to the resources you need in your situation.

This service is confidential and bilingual.

SOS violence conjugale

Emergency helpline: 1-800-363-9010 (free) – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

SOS Violence conjugale helps victims of domestic violence and anyone affected by domestic violence.

Staff is there to listen and direct you to specialized resources that can meet your specific needs for emergency, psychological support, help with any steps you take, or simply information.

This service is confidential and bilingual.

En apprendre plus

I need help (Website in French only - SOS violence conjugale)


Free or low-cost resources

The Associations coopératives d’économie familiale (ACEF) can help you review your budget, apply for government assistance, file your income tax returns, or negotiate a payment agreement with your creditors.

Chartered Appraiser

The chartered appraiser independently evaluates the market value of a property.

En apprendre plus

Find a chartered appraiser (website in French only - Ordre des évaluateurs agréés du Québec)


The information presented on this page is not a legal opinion or legal advice. This page explains in a general way the law that applies in Quebec. To obtain a legal opinion or legal advice on your personal situation, consult a legal professional.