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Separation and divorce

Family mediation: the step‑by‑step process

You’ve decided to settle the consequences of your breakup through family mediation? Here’s a step-by-step look at what you need to know about the process of family mediation.

1) Presentation of the family mediation process and assessment of needs

The mediator usually begins the first session by presenting how the family mediation process works. The mediator may also provide you with a list of documents that you will need to bring with you to the following sessions (e.g., pay stubs, income tax returns, marriage contract, cohabitation agreement, etc.).

You and your ex will then be given the opportunity to freely express your concerns and expectations. From these initial discussions, the mediator will be able to assess your needs and determine the questions likely to come up along with possible sources of conflict that will have to be resolved in subsequent meetings. If you have questions about the process, feel free to ask your mediator.


The information presented on this page is not a legal opinion or legal advice. This page explains in a general way the law that applies in Quebec. To obtain a legal opinion or legal advice on your personal situation, consult a legal professional.

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Free and easy to use, JuridiQC’s help tool assists married couples who don’t have children together as they prepare their joint divorce application. From filling out documents to filing them at the courthouse, we provide step-by-step guidance.