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Seniors experiencing a loss of autonomy

Caregiver for a senior in a residence: How to communicate with the care team

Is your friend or family member living at a residence and receiving care? To ensure the person’s well-being, good communication with the care team is critical. Here are some tips to establish a relationship based on effective listening and communication.

Cooperation based on listening and respect

To foster a good relationship with the residence’s care team, it’s important to communicate respectfully. Here are some tips on how to do this:

Practise active listening to encourage trusting and respectful discussion. Active listening means listening to the other person attentively while keeping both visual and emotional contact during your conversation to show that you’re engaged and interested.

Rephrase to avoid misunderstandings. Use your own words to summarize what the other person is saying to confirm that you both understand the same thing.

Prepare in advance by writing down the points you want to discuss, the questions you’d like to ask, or the information you want to provide the team. This will make sure you remember everything and feel prepared.

Be positive and polite, and avoid accusations. Ask questions before passing judgment, and express your opinions respectfully and courteously.

Be attentive to the needs of the team and your friend or family member. Don’t be shy to share your knowledge and observations about your friend or family member’s situation.

Ask questions, express your concerns, and share your opinion.

The information presented on this page is not a legal opinion or legal advice. This page explains in a general way the law that applies in Quebec. To obtain a legal opinion or legal advice on your personal situation, consult a legal professional.