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Seniors experiencing a loss of autonomy

Rights of the surviving spouse or partner

If your spouse or partner passes away, you could receive financial support or protection for some of your property. Here are a few examples of protections that are available to you.

Keeping your spouse or partner’s apartment

Were you living with your spouse or partner when they passed away?

If your name is already on the lease, you can continue to live in the apartment. As a general rule, you must pay the share of the rent that your spouse or partner was paying before they died.

If your name is not on the lease, you can become an official tenant. To do so, you must keep living in the apartment and send notice of your spouse or partner’s passing to the landlord. In this notice, you must also state that you want to become a tenant. You have two months following the date of death to send this notice.


Notice of lessee’s death (Tribunal administratif du logement)

If you no longer live in the apartment or fail to send the notice before the deadline, the liquidator of your spouse or partner’s succession could put an end to the lease. If this happens, you will have to move out permanently.

En apprendre plus

Death of a lessee (Tribunal administratif du logement)


The information presented on this page is not a legal opinion or legal advice. This page explains in a general way the law that applies in Quebec. To obtain a legal opinion or legal advice on your personal situation, consult a legal professional.